What is Gospel?
Amongst Christians, the word Gospel is very widely used. It is heard in conversations about music, about Church, about the Bible. Nowadays it is also used more and more amongst people that are not Christians as one of the word’s meanings refers to a music style that is acceptable for some who don’t usually listen to music that is inspired by God. Another use for the word is good for people who want to talk about the Bible and all it contains. So what is Gospel?
The word Gospel (originally from Old English godspell or godspel) means „good news“. As said before, the word Gospel is something preachers use a lot. Passages from any of the four canonical books of the Bible, Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are often used for sermons as they speak about the birth, life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ upon whom Christianity is based. Besides the four there are 44 other Gospels that have been left out of the Bible. There are completely preserved Gospels, infancy gospels, partially preserved Gospels, fragmentary preserved Gospels, reconstructed Gospels and lost Gospels. The 44 were left out of the Bible due to doubt over the authorship, the time frame between the original writing and the events described or some contents, that had big differences with the common belief. Some Gospels can still be found and read, but unlike the four canonical Gospels, they are considered quite irrelevant in Christianity and aren’t included in the Bible.
Leaving the facts aside, reading the 4 Gospels of the Bible (as well as all of the rest) is a very important part of Christianity. Christians want to educate themselves with knowledge about their faith. Many parts of the Bible can be controversial and confusing, but the thing that is mentioned the most and that is the key word in Christianity is love. Loving God, loving yourself, loving other people. In the four Gospels, the verb „love“ is mentioned over 70 times. And the verse that all Christians and many non-Christians know by heart, John 3:16 also mentions the love that God has for the world. I am also one of the people to believe in such love and try my best every day to be loving towards others.
Secondly, another connection that people make having heard the word Gospel is a music style. It is music that also has a lot to do with the Christian life. People who write it usually write words that would honor and worship their God or just to express their belief. It can also be taken as just a Christian alternative to the common secular music.
People have argued over the origin of Gospel music. Some say that it comes from the African-American churches in the beginning of the 20th century. Others say that it was sung by mostly white Southern Gospel artists. Both opinions could be true as black gospel might have been used as a way of communication between slaves while in Africa and white gospel was originated in its European form before it ever got to America.
In conclusion I hope to have answered the questions about what is Gospel and how come it is heard in more than one context. Gospel is something that I believe should be shared with other people, it doesn’t matter whether in word or in music. It is good news that everyone should have the opportunity to hear.
Mariliis Luide, 11.A
*Inspireeritud: Liisu sügav sisemine soov ja vajadus inimestele teada anda, et on kristlane*
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