Alates 24.11.2010, tribute'ina Sigrid Luidele ja Facebookile, võimalus postitustele jätta endast märk, vajutades kas 'like' või 'dislike'. Alates 21.07.2011 võimalus avaldada arvamust sõnadega: 'too long-didn't read'.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Nõnna siis...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Ma nii tahaksin...
From Max Lucado's book "God Came Near" ...
IT’S CHRISTMAS NIGHT. THE HOUSE IS QUIET. Even the crackle is gone from the fireplace. The last of the carolers appeared on the ten o’clock news. The last of the apple pie was eaten by my brother-in-law. And the last of the Christmas albums have been stored away having dutifully performed their annual rendition of chestnuts, white Christmases, and red-nosed reindeers.
It’s Christmas night.
The midnight hour has chimed and I should be asleep, but I’m awake. I’m kept awake by one stunning thought. The world was different this week. It was temporarily transformed.
The magical dust of Christmas glittered on the cheeks of humanity ever so briefly, reminding us of what is worth having and what we were intended to be. We forgot our compulsion with winning, wooing, and warring. We put away our ladders and ledgers, we hung up our stopwatches and weapons. We stepped off our race tracks and roller coasters and looked outward toward the star of Bethlehem.
It’s the season to be jolly because, more than at any other time, we think of him. More than in any other season, his name is on our lips.
And the result?
For a few precious hours, he is beheld. Christ the Lord. Those who pass the year without seeing him, suddenly see him. People who have been accustomed to using his name in vain, pause to use it in praise. Eyes, now free of the blinders of self, marvel at his majesty.
All of a sudden he’s everywhere.
In the grin of the policeman as he drives the paddy wagon full of presents to the orphanage.
In the twinkle in the eyes of the Taiwanese waiter as he tells of his upcoming Christmas trip to see his children.
In the emotion of the father who is too thankful to finish the dinner table prayer.
He’s in the tears of the mother as she welcomes home her son from overseas.
He’s in the heart of the man who spent Christmas morning on skid row giving away cold baloney sandwiches and warm wishes.
And he’s in the solemn silence of the crowd of shopping mall shoppers as the elementary school chorus sings “Away in a Manger.”
Emmanuel. He is with us. God came near.
It’s Christmas night. In a few hours the cleanup will begin—lights will come down, trees will be thrown out. Size 36 will be exchanged for size 40, eggnog will be on sale for half price. Soon life will be normal again. December’s generosity will become January’s payments and the magic will begin to fade.
But for the moment, the magic is still in the air. Maybe that’s why I’m still awake. I want to savor the spirit just a bit more. I want to pray that those who beheld him today will look for him next August. And I can’t help but linger on one fanciful thought: If he can do so much with such timid prayers lamely offered in December, how much more could he do if we thought of him every day?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Gospelkoor Living Stone
Friday, December 17, 2010
Paha tuju
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
3.-5. mõne sõnaga veel.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Võtsin endale 6
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Seik bussist
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
FB vaba päev
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mis siin ikka öelda...
- Kõigepealt, kui ma tulin sealt väikegrupi ajalt saali, siis mida ma nägin, oli see, et inglane ja ameeriklane juhivad koos ülistust .. eesti keeles.
- Teiseks, kari noori.. teismelisi... laupäeva õhtul... kirikus. Kirik on ju see igav koht, kus käivad vanad inimesed. Noored, teismelised käivad laupäeva õhtuti pidu panemas. Aga vot, milline valearusaam. See mulle meeldib. Ilus.
- Siis tuleb üks tüdruk ja ütleb, et me peaksime käsi peale pannes palvetama kellegi eest. Noor inimene. ... Kuidas??
- Siis mõtlesin selle peale, et just oli GLS. Laupäeva hommikul sõitsime Mariiga koos Tehnikaülikooli ja rääkisime sellest, kui imelik see on, et inimesed tõusevad üles sellisel ajal, mida pole isegi olemas (kell 6 laupäeva hommikul), et siis järgnevad mitu-mitu tundi olla jalul ning aidata teistel inimestel üritust nautida. Ise ei saanud nad sellest ju mitte midagi. Tegelt said... jalavalu... seljavalu.. väsimuse... Juhuu. Palk on taevas. ;)
- Ja siis... Tavaliselt on nii, et kui on üks tüdruk... ja ta armub mingisse mehesse... siis ta salamisi pigem loodab, et kellelegi teisele ta ei meeldi, vähem pinget, eks? Ja kui on kutt... ja ta armub teise kutti.. sellest ei taha ma isegi rääkida. See on imelik. Aga, mida teevad kristlased...? Armuvad ära ja siis tahavad võimalikult palju inimesi selle sama tüübi juurde tuua, et nemad ka temasse armuks. See ei ole ka päris normaalne ju :D Ebaloogiline.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Jälle on vaja panna siia üks selline --> :)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Jehuu. :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Kohane :)